Pack on the muscle mass with the “2-Shake Method”.

If you are looking to add more beef to your frame, in addition to busting your butt in the weight room and eating frequent healthy meals throughout the day, you can help your cause using what we call the “2-Shake Method”, consuming two protein shakes each day.

The first shake is your post-workout shake that should hit your lips before your sweat dri…es. It should include protein and a carbohydrate. The carb can from a fruit such as banana, or a specialized sugar supplement such as maltodextrin or a waxy starch.

We have had great success with the brand Vitargo. Mix with water.

The 2nd shake is taken right before bed and should contain protein and a fat source, such as flax, coconut oil and/or nut butter. This may be mixed with milk or water.

Please also note that your protein needs to be high quality. If you choose a whey protein, it should be from cows that are not fed with hormones and/or antibiotics. We have found that the “Jay Robb” shakes mix well, tastes good and comes from good sources.


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