The Fitness Industry’s Most Dangerous People
The most dangerous people are…
The ones who know “a little”. They don’t know what they don’t know.This is a very prevalent problem in our world of fitness and rehab “experts”. For example, I just read a critique of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) online yesterday that criticized the validity of the screen in predicting likelihood of injury. The basis of the argument was from some recent rese…arch that indicated that the FMS could not detect if a subject was previously injured, which has been cited as the #1 reason someone will become hurt again.
Could have been a great argument, but the research didn’t indicate what the scores were previous to injury, what type of rehab the participants had and most importantly, it only looked at overall/composite scores. Any one who knows the system well knows that Total Score is only a small piece of the system and that someone can score a high overall score and still have major dysfunctions.
I heard a great saying once that applies to so-called “experts” in anything: “Just because you smoke pot and play guitar, it doesn’t make you John Lennon.”
Think about that next time you heed fitness advice from someone just because they have “nice abs” or learn about injury rehabilitation from someone who only knows textbooks and research and doesn’t work hands-on with live human beings.