Are you sneakers making you worse???

Many of the athletes and weekend warriors who walk through our doors are sporting the supposed latest and greatest athletic footwear. The have springs and cushions and bubbles built in the soles of the shoes with the goal being “less impact” and “better support”, when ironically they often do the opposite.

As humans, we have 2 primary contact points with the world: our hands and our feet. Because of this, we have the highest concentration of sensory feedback into our nervous system from these areas.

Now when you take the equivalent of a bag of marshmallows and strap them under your feet, your foot and ankle doesn’t “feel” the ground and can not appropriately react and align itself, leading to repetitive stress to the ankle, knee, hip and up the chain. To give you an analogy, running or training your lower body in these sneakers would be like performing an upper body activity or skill with oven mitts on, you would have no “feel” for what your doing.


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